
The DEI landscape is complex, thought-provoking and ever-changing.

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a new, affordable online conversation space

We are excited to announce the launch of BlogJam, offering an opportunity to go deeper into the theme signalled by our latest newsletter with others who care about the things you care about.

an image of Jess and Razia smiling against an orange and teal backdrop

Our next event focuses on The Art of Slowing Down on Monday 13th May, 1-2pm GMT.

(£3 – £80 suggested donation).

Sign up to our newsletter for news about upcoming BlogJams and other events.

When I feel stressed or overwhelmed, it’s helpful to understand what Driver Behaviours I tend to engage in. Clinical psychologist Taibi Kahler defines Drivers as learnt ways of being and doing to feel in control/ avoid discomfort.

“We do so much, we run so quickly, the situation is difficult, and many people say, “Don’t just sit there, do something.” …

So here we are at the Trust is Us leadership conference with a full tally 150+ middle to senior leaders in attendance. Inclusivity is high on the agenda. My colleague from the ea and I are taking in the room, and there, holding their breath in the aisle against the walls, are the Five Elephants. This is what I learned when lending them my ear.

I’ve always been a well-meaning but neglectful gardener, so bindweed does tend to get the upper hand in my garden. I was just getting my hands in the soil for the first time in a few months and, noticing how the leafy white-trumpet-flowered creeper had spread since the last time, I exclaimed to my partner “Bindweed! The most successful of plants”. And then I stopped in the midst of teasing those soft, brittle white roots out from the stony soil, and said out loud “Actually, is this success?”

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