Clients and Testimonials

We have had the pleasure of working with fantastic people and orgnisations over the years.
Read on to hear what they have to say about us…

Medtronic Logo

Delcina Young

Head of StartRight & Proactive Services WeCare EMEA | Diabetes


I wanted to say a heart felt THANK YOU to you Jess and Shelly Hossain ( Global Learning)  for your partnership & delivery of what was an epic course in ID&E for our leaders in North Western Europe.

Thank you for your adjustments as the program went on. Not once did we feel a change in your commitment to our learning & development!

I saw big growth in ID&E knowledge and confidence of our leaders who attended & I truly believe they leave this program more equipped to lead by example in the ID&E space.”

Sue Ryder logo

Programme commissioner

Sue Ryder

“I cannot fault anything. The content was different not the usual slides and discussions that trainers tend to use. The pre course clips and reading were thought provoking and interesting. Jess was a great presenter and facilitator. I can say that in my working life 40 yrs + this is one of the best sessions I have taken part in. This raised so many questions and I am still processing some of them… I have already challenged myself to make volunteering at the hospice more inclusive and I have put EDI objectives in my action plan for this year. 


Jess made the whole experience relaxed, engaging and inclusive, creating a safe enough space for the group.
It was a good opportunity to work with colleagues doing something so totally developmental and worthwhile for the organisation.

I experienced Jess to have high levels of empathy and expertise within her field. She made the days interesting and enjoyable as did those who attended.”

i-Transport logo

Greg Jones

Associate Partner


“We asked the Equality Academy to provide expert advice on matters relating to equality, diversity and inclusivity in the workplace as we work towards adopting a new EDI Charter for our business.  Jess and Razia have skilfully guided us over the past year, conducting a comprehensive EDI Culture Review and liaising directly with our employees.   


They are now helping us better understand the strategies we can employ to continue to foster a working culture aligned with our values and commitment to provide a working environment which is free from barriers such as discrimination and harassment and which enables individuals to feel valued and flourish.  We anticipate our relationship with The Equality Academy continuing and them being trusted advisors to our business.”

Joseph Rowntree Foundation logo

Anne Mwangi

Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion,

Joseph Rowntree Foundation

“I commissioned Razia and Jess to work with our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Staff Network and Allies group in 2021/22 using group coaching techniques. This followed my positive personal experience of working with Razia as my coach.  I chose them because  of their expertise and insight of the impact of racism on individuals and organisations as well as the importance of allyship in the workplace. The feedback from both groups was overwhelmingly positive as impactful. I highly recommend the Equality Academy for delivery of racial equity and intersecting work and for providing impactful coaching sessions for individuals and groups.”

Trusted Executive Foundation logo

Sharon Curry

Trusted Executive Foundation

“In my role as Managing Partner and Co Chair for The Trusted Executive Fellowship Boards, I engaged Razia to speak with our various boards on subjects around ‘Trustworthiness and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’.


Razia immediately commanded our member audience of senior leaders and CEO’s and created an environment where they could look at their own self knowledge and awareness, where they could relate that to their current work environment and EDI challenges and where they could begin to help others become more conscious to the submerged factors behind the complexity of these topics. Razia was enthralling, credible and a true expert on her topic and we engaged her to speak twice on each of our boards as requested by our members. I would not hesitate to recommend The Equality Academy and Razia to anyone who is committed to truly tackling Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in their workplace and who is prepared to recognise their own biases.”

Raggi Kotak

Jedi Consultancy

“Razia is a great practitioner with deep skills. She generously brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to support you – wherever you are in your process. With grace and commitment. I am lucky to see Razia as both a colleague and a mentor.”

Asian Women's Resource Centre logo

Sarbjit Ganger


Asian Women's Resource Centre

“This evaluation is a great piece of work, highlighting the work of led by and for organisations in addressing harmful practices across London. Since the missing link report, we have not had current data, this report addresses this, thank you to all involved.”

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